
Licensing model

Crew Tablet

License is re-issued each month and grants the installation on one flight-attendant device. It also grants the right to use backend software which powers the tablet application.

The license price adds up of the price of the base license and the license prices of additional components.

Basic license includes:
  • Download, storage and access to the flight document library sustaining the cabin crew work routine on a flight.
  • Download, storage and access to the basic flight data, basic cabin crew data and basic passanger data.
  • Create and send the basic flight report.
  • Basic management system.
Addittional components include:
  • Onboard commerce module, which allows full list of operations in an unconnected environment.
  • Onboard catering module
  • Extended flight attendent call module, allowing the passenger to call the flight attendant from PED or from the seat button.
  • Statistics, reports and app usage module.
  • Urgent notifications system.
  • Extended management system.
  • 3d party commercial and logistics systems integration modules (handling of the data streams, API) for arranging the logistics of onboard sales (stocks traking, bills & invoices, etc.)

License payment inludes basic support and all updates within the component versions of the respective software configuration.

Basic support includes the limited number of working hours and incidents. Terms and conditions of SLA support is to be discussed on a case-by-case basis and depends on the actual software configuration.


Basic time-limited license

License is issued each month and grants the installation of the respective software configuration on one aircraft (for the integrated hardware) or one portable onboard server (without integrated hardware), as well as using the backend to power the IFE.ONE server software.

The license price adds up of the price of the base license and the license prices of additional components.

Basic license includes:
  • Onboard portal with media-catalog which allows the palyback of audio and video content on-demand.
  • Access to the content management system for content set creation and management.
Addittional components include:
  • Fresh press (magainzes, newspapers) on the portal, and respective managment settings in the CMS.
  • Onboard store and the store management settings in the CMS.
  • DRM content playback component, license management in CMS and content (DASH, HLS) encryption system (FairPlay, Widevine).
  • Usage stats component for CMS.
  • Self diagnostics component for the installed software.
  • ARINC and ADS-B integration component, moving map and flight information.

License price is a subject to change based on particular software configuration.

License payment inludes basic support and all updates within the component versions of the respective software configuration.

Simple perpetual license

Simple perpetual license is not time limited and grants the installation of the respective software configuration on one aircraft (for the integrated hardware) or one portable onboard server (without integrated hardware), as well as using the backend to power the IFE.ONE server software.

License payment inludes basic support and all updates within the component versions of the respective software configuration for 1 year.

Basic support includes the limited number of working hours and incidents. Terms and conditions of SLA support is to be discussed on a case-by-case basis and depends on the actual software configuration.